Friday 29 May 2020

Easter - 29/5/2020 Lesson

Today, we are going to review Easter vocabulary

Let´s do the assembly and celebrate with Teacher Maria!

Now, in this padlet you can find different stories, videos, and games to review Easter. You can choose the activities you prefer. Enjoy!

Thursday 28 May 2020

I Won´t Bite - 28/5/2020 Lesson

Today, we are going to review wild animals and body parts with the book I Won’t Bite by Rod Campbell.

Today we are going to do the assembly with teacher Maria. Let’s go on a trip to learn about animals that live in the savannah!

Now, Teacher Noe is going to tell us the story. Are you ready?

Now, let´s review animal body parts:

Finally, let’s make our own crazy animal with Teacher Noe:

You can find the worksheet if you want to print it here:
You can also find the online worksheet here:

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons - 27/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning families!  
Today, we have prepared a session with the funny book Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin. 

Let´s start with the calendar. You can do it here:

Let´s watch the story:

Now, let´s help Pete find his four groovy buttons:

Would you like to make some button pictures with Teacher Esméralda?

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Five Little Monkeys - 26/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning! 
Today, we are going to watch the story of Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eilieen Christelow. 🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵 Are you ready?

First, let´s do the assembly with Teacher Esméralda:

Now, let´s watch Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed:

Can you tell mommy and daddy the story of the Five Little Monkeys? Use the song to help you!

Can you find the monkey?


Monday 25 May 2020

Press Here: 25/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning!

Nota para padres:
Hoy hacemos una actividad con números. Aquí esta un vídeo explicativo:

Today, we have prepared a lesson to review quantities, numbers and colours with the book Press Here by Hervé Tullet. You can do all the activities or choose the ones you prefer.

We are going to do the assembly with Teacher Noemi:

Let´s watch the story Press Here:

Now, we can do this interactive worksheet:

Let´s play a numbers game with Teacher Noe:

Friday 22 May 2020

Halloween Review - 22/5/2020 Lesson

Today we are going to review Halloween vocabulary and songs. And you can decorate a pumpkin face! Are you ready? 🎃🎃🎃

First, let´s do the assembly with Teacher Noe:

Now, let´s sing the Five Little Pumpkins song 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃:

Do you remember the Trick or Treat song?

Would you like to decorate a Pumpkin?  🎃 Click on the link below:

Thursday 21 May 2020

Owl Babies - 21/5/2020 Lesson

Good Morning!
Today we are going to learn about animals that fly and read the book Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.

First, let´s do the assembly with Teacher María:

Now, let´s watch the story:

We are going to review the names of animals that can fly with this short video:

Would you like to make a baby owl? Teacher Esméralda will show you how. 

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Peppa Pig: Fruit Day - 20/5/2020 Lesson

Nota para Padres:
Buenos días. Han pasado muchos días desde que hemos visto a los pequeños y nos gustaría mucho recibir fotos de vosotros. También nos permite saber a quién estamos llegando. Os apetece mandarnos una foto para que os podamos ver? Nos las podéis mandar a:


Good morning! Today we are going to review fruit. Yummy! 😋 

First, let´s do the assembly with Teacher Noe:

Now, let´s watch Peppa Pig with the Fruit Day video:

Would you like to review fruits with Teacher Esméralda?

We are going to make faces with Teacher Noe and different types of fruit. Are your ready?

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Little Blue Truck Spring Time - 19/5/2020 Lesson

Today we are going to review vehicles with the book Little Blue Truck Spring Time.

First, let´s do the assembly with Teacher María.

Now, let´s watch the story:

Now, let’s review the means of transport with Teacher Noe:

Finally, let’s see how many means of transport you can find in this I Spy game:

Monday 18 May 2020

Rosie´s Walk - 18/5/2020 Lesson

Good Morning! Today we are going to base our lesson on Rosie´s Walk by Pat Hutchins.

Let´s  do the assembly and review farm animals with Teacher Esméralda. 

Now, let´s sing Old McDonald had a Farm:

Let´s watch the story of Rosie´s Walk by Pat Hutchins:

Now, let´s order the story. Click here:

Finally, let’s see if you can find Rosie the hen with this game:

Friday 15 May 2020

St. Patrick´s Day - 15/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning!
Today we are going to review St. Patrick´s Day. We didn´t get to celebrate it this year, but we are going to celebrate it now. Are you ready?

First, let´s celebrate by doing the assembly with Teacher Maria:

Now, let´s watch a story about St. Patrick´s Day:

Let´s review some St. Patrick´s vocabulary:

Finally, would you like to sing this fun St. Patrick´s Day song?

Thursday 14 May 2020

Hippo has a Hat -14/5/2020

Today, we have prepared a session to review clothes with the book Hippo has a Hat by Julia Donaldson.

We are going to do the assembly with Teacher Noé this morning:

Now, Noé will tell us the story of Hippo has a Hat

Now, let’s dress the boy and the girl in this interactive game:

Would you like to see what María, Noé and Esméralda are wearing?

Would you like to send us a picture or video of what you are wearing?

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Picnic - 13/5/2020 Lesson

Today, we are going to review food by going on a picnic! Are you ready?

We´re going to start with the assembly with Teacher Esméralda:

Now, let´s watch Pocoyo prepare a picnic:

Do you want to prepare some sandwiches with Teacher Noé?

Finally, we are going to review how to make sandwiches by singing this song:

Now, can you make a sandwich and send us a picture?

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Toot Toot - 12/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning families!  
Today, we have prepared a lesson to continue learning about transports with the book Toot, Toot by Brian Wildsmith.

Today, we’re going to do the assembly with teacher María to review the means of transport.

Now, Teacher Esméralda is going to tell us the story:

Now, let’s review the means of transport with this easy interactive worksheet: 

Finally, let’s have fun with Teacher Noé and her shapes to create transports!


Video para explicar la actividad a los padres:

Las formas necesarias para el juego son las de la actividad de los dinosaurios más algunas extras que encontrareis en este enlace:

Monday 11 May 2020

Where is Bingo? 11/5/2020 Lesson

Today we are going to review prepositions with Bingo and Spot. Are you ready to look for them?

First, let´s do the calendar:

Remember! You can do the calendar at home here:

Now, let´s find Bingo with Teacher Esméralda:

Let’s review the prepositions of place with this memory game

Friday 8 May 2020

Thanksgiving - 8/5/2020

Today, we are going to review Thanksgiving.

We are going to do the assembly with Teacher María. Let´s celebrate!

Let´s review the story of Thanksgiving:

Now, let´s review some Thanksgiving vocabulary:

Finally, let´s sing and do the Turkey Dance Freeze!

Thursday 7 May 2020

Washing Line 7/5/2020

Good morning!

Today we are going to review clothes and look at the story Washing Line by Jez Alborough.

In today´s assembly, Noé is going to review the weather:

Now, let´s watch the story:

We are going to review spring clothing with Teacher María:

Now, you can play a memory game to review clothes:

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Spring and Food - 6/5/2020 Lesson

Today we are going to review food and spring vocabulary with Peppa Pig. 

First, let´s review our spring vocabulary in the assembly with Teacher María:

Now, let´s watch Peppa Pig go on a picnic:

Would you like to go on a picnic with Teacher Noé?

Tuesday 5 May 2020

We All Go Travelling By... 5/5/2020 Lesson

Good morning families!
Today, we will learn about transports with the book We all go travelling by... by Sheena Roberts.

We will do assembly and review the vocabulary and songs with Esméralda:

Now, let´s watch the story:

Would you like to make a paper boat with Esméralda?

This is a new version of The Wheels on the Bus. Enjoy!😊